
A standard hierarchical configuration implementation

Package: dhii/config
Standards: PSR-11, Dhii Config, Dhii Map



This package provides concrete implementation of configuration. One way in which this is achieved is in the form of a Dhii Map hierarchy, such as the DereferencingConfigMap. Values can be retrieved from the hierarchy via the Dhii Config standard by providing a path - a list of delimited container keys, e.g. path/to/config. Because this implementation is also a map, it is also iterable, and therefore serializeable. A multi-level config can easily be created from an arbitrary hierarchy of iterables with DereferencingConfigMapFactory

Reference Tokens

Another useful feature of DereferencingConfigMap is its ability to de-reference tokens in stringable values of the config. If the string value for a path contains tokens in the format ${key}, those tokens will be replaced at the time of retrieval with values that correspond to their keys. The keys can generally be of any format acceptable by PSR-11 ContainerInterface#get(). The value will be retrieved from the container that is assigned to the DereferencingConfigMap, and that can be any PSR-11 container, including another DereferencingConfigMap. This makes it possible for config values to include other config values, which is very helpful in centralizing certain data, and avoiding repetition. If no container is specified for de-referencing, DereferencingConfigMap instances will use themselves to de-reference tokens. Because all config nodes produced by DereferencingConfigMapFactory are instances of DereferencingConfigMap, de-referencing will work even when retrieving values from nested config nodes.

This approach has a caveat, however: DereferencingConfigMap requires the container used for de-referencing to be passed during construction time, which means that it is not possible to assign a parent DereferencingConfigMap node as the de-referencing container for a child node - the parent is also read-only, and this introduces a chicken-egg problem. The problem is solved by adding another non-config container at the top of the hierarchy, such as a composite container implementation, which at the same time allows creating a list of configs, where configs will “override” other configs in reverse order without the need to be merged into one. To be able to add configs after creation, use a writable list, such as AddCapableOrderedList. Also, in order for tokens in multi-level configs to be de-referenced correctly, the top-most config instance must be passed to all child instances below; this is already done by DereferencingConfigMapFactory.


Single Layer

use Dhii\Config\DereferencingConfigMap;

$data = [
    'first_name'    => 'John',
    'last_name'     => 'Smith',
    'full_name'     => '${first_name} ${last_name}'

// Passing `null` as the dereferencing container causes the config to use itself for dereferencing
$config = new DereferencingConfigMap($data, null);

$firstName = $config->get('first_name'); // John
$fullName = $config->get('full_name'); // John Smith

$allValues = iterator_to_array($config);
    'first_name'    => 'John',
    'last_name'     => 'Smith',
    'full_name'     => 'John Smith'

Multi Layer

use Dhii\Collection\AddCapableOrderedList;
use Dhii\Data\Container\CompositeContainer;
use Dhii\Config\DereferencingConfigMap;
use Dhii\Config\DereferencingConfigMapFactory;
use Dhii\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface;
use Zend\Stdlib\ArrayUtils;

$data = [
    'db'                    => [
        'table_prefix'          => 'wp_',
        "tables"                => [
            'posts'                 => [
                'name'                  => '${db/table_prefix}posts',
                'engine'                => 'InnoDB'
            'postmeta'              => [
                'name'                  => '${db/table_prefix}postmeta',
                'engine'                => 'MyISAM'

// The configs list
$configs = new AddCapableOrderedList();
// The container for all configurations
$topConfig = new CompositeContainer($configs);
// The top config will now be used for de-referencing by all config nodes made by the factory
$configFactory = new DereferencingConfigMapFactory($topConfig);
// Create the config hierarchy with the data - objects work just as well
$config = $configFactory->make([ConfigFactoryInterface::K_DATA => (object) $data]);
// Add the config to list - without this, de-referencing will not work properly with multiple levels

$tablePrefix = $config->get('db/table_prefix'); // wp_
$postsTableName = $config->get('db/tables/posts/name'); // wp_posts

// Retrieve a nested configuration node
$postmetaTableConfig = $config->get('db/tables/postmeta');
$postmetaTableValues = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($postmetaTableConfig);
    'name'                  => 'wp_postmeta',
    'engine'                => 'MyISAM'
// De-referencing still works due to common top-most parent
$postmetaTableName = $postmetaTableConfig->get('name'); // wp_postmeta

$allValues = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($config);
    'table_prefix'          => 'wp_',
        'tables'                => [
            'posts'                 => [
                'name'                  => 'wp_posts',
                'engine'                => 'InnoDB'
            'postmeta'              => [
                'name'                  => 'wp_postmeta',
                'engine'                => 'MyISAM'